Saturday, August 3, 2024

Brayden Sleep Walking | Bevlynn Funny and Clumsy as a Bear

Brayden 7Y5M10D
Bevlynn 3Y2M3D

This week, Bevlynn had been hurting herself. She caught her finger on the poolside drain and part of her skin was abrased. Her fingers' skin was soft after swimming and soaking in water for over half an hour, so it easily tore. We quickly washed away and asked for some gauze to stop the bleeding. 

She even knocked her head on the door so hard while she was opening it, there was a big round blue-black right immediately. This little girl is as clumsy as a baby bear. 

There are some funny times this week too. 

Scene 1 : 
She was in the room asking: 
Bev : "Papa can I watch Teebee (TV)?" 
Papa : "No"
Bev :"3 minute please" (showing her finger sign)
Papa : "No, no TV"
She came out to the living and said : "Mommy, Papa said yes, can watch TV" 
Papa shouted from the room : "NO! I NEVER SAID YES!"
She looked pleased and had a smile....

Scene 2 :
Bev on her stroller on her way back
Bev : "Mommy, we go playground-lah!"
Mommy amused and thinking why this girl has already picked up the slang :"No baby, the playground is too hot"
Bev : "We go westmall-lah"
Mommy : "No, we go school ok?" (Cheekily, there is no school on Saturday)
Bev : "Don't want~~! No go school" 
Mommy ; "Teacher Charmaine miss you"
Bev : "Of course, of course... no." 
Mommy : "Then we go home ok? Today no school."
Bev : "Okay~~"

Scene 3 :
Brayden was sleepwalking from his bed to the main door.
Shouting "no push. no push" 
Hubs walked to him "go back to sleep" 
Brayden : "No no no....! No push!"
Hubs : "You are just dreaming, go back to sleep!"
Brayden the next day, don't remember anything at all that happened. 

Scene 4 : 
Hubs fetch Bevlynn from school
Bev : "Papa where is Momo?"
Hubs : "Momo at home" 
Bev : "I want Momo fetch me" 
Hubs : "Why?"
Bev : "Of course Momo my best friend, Papa not my best friend. You never fetch me." 
Papa heart break.... 

I had dinner with a business partner owner. She was getting all teared-eyed while we discuss about her mother being so busy during her childhood that she felt her mother sacrificed a lot in order to give them the most. I thought to myself --- I had been thinking of building a business, but what I have now is the best; I have my family-time, I can see my children grow... I might miss all these things I truly valued if I spent so much time away... Family comes first! 

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