Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Luck at Timezone | Nightmares | Grandma's House

Brayden 7Y5M27D
Bevlynn 3Y2M20D

This past week felt like it was packed with many activities. My father's and father-in-law's birthday was this past week. We celebrated with FIL at Dian Xiao Er and also bought a cake at home. Ah Pa's birthday, we sang birthday song over Whatsapp call and Brayden played the piano for him.

There were 2 days Brayden has no school due to PSLE oral but we couldn't arrange any leave; it was too busy for me. We had many restructuring in the office and so it was busy in preparing for the new structure. 

During the weekend, we took Brayden to Timezone because he did very well in his "Ting Xie" Chinese class. At the entrance, there was an ongoing event for Kanoodle and a 1-on-1 challenge to win a free Kanoodle. We were challenging a mid-aged men and lucky thing, he wasn't very good and fast at solving the puzzle. Hence, we WON! Brayden was very delighted with the win. 

More luck was coming our way. I played the DragonBall slots and won more than 800 tickets after sticking the SUPER BONUS (500 tickets total).

We played with the children at the playground. Search for the missing small white cap. Brayden loved this game. After that, we went to a neighbourhood recycling area, where they had a short activity to teach the children about the benefits of recycling. 

It was the 15th Hungry Ghost Day. Last few nights I was having nightmares after nightmares. It could have been the stress from work, probably. 

One of the dreams was: that I was sleeping next to Bevlynn, the space felt odd although all seemed real and I tried waking up from the dream. I forced myself up and found myself in another dream. It was dream after dream after dream... was about 6 cycles or more. Then, in the last one, I was quickly running to the Buddha altar we had at home but the Buddha was not there - it was empty. Then I looked out the window in the direction of the temple near our house. The Buddha was huge and obvious but the eyes were firey red. I reached out my hand and as I was getting closer, I woke up finally. 

In another dream, I was in my old maternal grandmother's house. The one at the corner, where we used to visit and play. This time, the whole house was dark and full of snakes. 

It was not scary, but it reminded me so much of my grandmother and how we used to grow up there. It was a big semi-detach house, corner unit, at Relau beside the Pusat Pelancongan Relau. There was a small drain at the side of the house, which is very clean and had little longkang fishes in there. We will hop in the deep drain and try to catch some. There was one room which acted like a store room, filled and packed with old stuff. At the side compound of the house, there was a small altar house which was right under a jambu tree. Beside the garden compound, my grandmother grew some vegetable plots and also have a chicken & duck coop at the corner. Far behind the house, my uncle used the space to breed hamsters. It was a good business back then. They used to sell the hamsters in front of the house during the weekly night market along the stretch. My grandmother used to love sitting on the big swing in front of the house to watch cars passed by and to chat with my Mom. Photo of the old house below: Ahh the good ol' times... such fond memories of her. 



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