Monday, June 10, 2024

Penang trip | Changi Terminal 4 Arcade | It Takes Two

Brayden 7Y3M17D
Bevlynn 3Y0M10D

The children are in Penang for 2 weeks. 1st week - they'll be staying with Ah Mah with out Daddy and Mommy. We went to the airport Terminal 4 early, had dinner with Hubs and said our farewell. As we went in, the two children were very co-operative. Brayden loved playing at the highest slide but Bevlynn wasn't tall enough, so she wasn't allowed in. 

We went to the Free Arcade Area at Terminal 4. It is near G18 gate at the corner. It is quite a distant from the usual gate for Air Asia so we will need some time to arrive and play there. The children wanted to play non-stop. There were car race, Street fighter, foosball. Since it is unlimited play, there is no token needed and the children can simply play without worrying about losing the game. 

Although we arrived early at the gate for departure, there was a 1 hour delay of the flight and so the children and I were waiting at the terminal. We ended up playing some games on the phone to kill time. By the time we arrived at Penang, it was past midnight. 

On Sunday, we went to Sunshine Air Itam to shop for groceries. The usual coin wishing well is their favourite spot. For dinner, we were at Esplanade. The children playground is no longer there. Bev and Bray were taking photos with the dinosaur. The dinosaur funnily "ate" Bevlynn. They were playing with bubbles again.... 

There was very good green tomyam, pizza, balitong. Our favourites. 

At night, Bray and Bev wanted to use the telescope to catch some stars. But there were only lights from the hotel nearby. Bev could not focus her eyes looking into the scope. She even closed both eyes and said she saw the lights. What types of light? She said it was pink colour lights. There were only 2 bright yellow spot light in the telescope. I wonder what she really sees in the telescope or was she imagining? 

Bray was sleeping in Uncle Max's room. Bev was saying over and over she'd sleep in Uncle Max's room too but in the middle of the night, she'd walked back to my bed. Then go again to Uncle's Max's room and mine again. She really could not decide where she'd like to sleep. Finally, she'd fall asleep next to me. 

Brayden played some games on the PS5 - Metal slug, Robot game and It Takes Two. He always used the hammer to hit my male character in the head and get him stuck to the floor. He loved it and wasted time doing it over and over, laughing at how my character was scolding... It was quite fun and additive. 

I would be leaving tomorrow. Now the children can have some more time with their grandparents and uncles. 

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