Sunday, June 2, 2024

Bevlynn turns 3 | School Holiday | Strengths

Brayden 7Y3M9D
Bevlynn 3Y0M2D

Little Missy Bev turns 3. She added so many words into her vocabulary, although her words are not clearly enunciated. Just like an example, she was showing a box with her fingers over her eyes and said "I want to take oto" I was like, you wanted to play Lego? She said "no, Oto!" Is it you wanted to take motor? "No, I want to take oto mommy" Ohhh, you want to take photo... 
All her words are usually missing the beginning sound. 

As the clock strike after her birthday, there's a sudden realization that she is no longer a baby and she has grown so much into a little lady. No more baby words, demanding for more independence now. 

Two of the children played floor is lava at the playground. After 10 seconds, one needs to search for a new spot before the floor turns into lava. It was a fun game for both of them. Bevlynn always made mistakes in stepping onto the lava floor. 

Brayden was making a presentation in Speech Academy. He did the same presentation 1 year ago about the role of a "Teacher". Last year he taught the class on how to perform jumping jack. This year, he only prepared the speech one day before the presentation day. We skipped the practice class since we went to legoland. Despite all this, he was not nervous at all. He presented on how to fold a boat. Almost at the end , the boat last step did not turn out accordingly. Good thing he quickly mended the paper and the boat was made. This time, he is more confident! 

During the last week, he was quite bored as there were no classes in school. Shou Zheng, his best friend had invited several of his friends to go over his house and play together over the weekend. They really had fun playing with air gun and Playstation 5. 

It was a hectic week at work, firstly due to the announced changes in management. There was a change of MD and RSM. And furthermore, it was announced right before our leadership training. But I particularly liked the training, it highlighted on how to enhanced strengths. I had some very prominent strengths including Achiever, Self Assurance, Learner, Intellection. The trainer was right; often times we put more emphasis on improving our weakness than on strengths. With more focus on enhancing the strengths, one can polish it even more and gain from it.  
In order to further strengthen the strengths, you can have several role models and take them as examples. 



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