Wednesday, June 26, 2024

No Kids | I miss Grandma

Brayden 7Y3M22D
Bevlynn 3Y0M15D

The kids were in Penang with their Ah Mah. Now me and Hubs have some alone time with no kids.

I spontaneously decided to go for a date night at the cinema. I made Hubs change his clothes and pulled him to a cinema without telling him the plans. He asked what was the movie and I told him "How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies". The show was starting within the next minutes. He didn't have the chance to read the reviews on this movie and thought it was a Taiwanese movie. 

But when the movie started, he eventually found out it was Thai. It was a touching movie; I sobbed from the beginning till the end.... and so were the people around us. He said, there was not enough time for the credits to roll and the lights turned on. Then, he'd realized that everyone was looking all wet on the faces. 

It was a good movie and there were so many similarities to the life of my own late maternal Grandma that it reminded me of her. 

My Grandma used to wear the same type of flowery clothes with jade on her hand. She was kind and loving. Spoke Teochew. Prayed to Kuan Yin. During the Ching Ming festival, she will gather all the children and follow the ceremony to pray to the ancestors. She used to wake up really early to prepare and help out with the curry mee hawker business by her youngest son. During CNY, she would have all the children at her house and we played gambling cards. And the day after CNY, she would feel lonely again and there were many leftovers. Her children especially the sons were fighting for her inheritance (the corner house at Relau). She would give her money to her youngest son whenever he needed. Her money kept hidden in a biscuit tin can was stolen. Her daughter (my mom) cares for her alot and visited her almost every weekend with us. She would dress up nicely whenever the children were coming to visit. She held my mom hands and said she was very tired and dreamt of my Ah Gong. In the end, she left her house to her youngest son because he needed it more than the eldest. She left some jewelleries to my mom, found by my mom while cleaning her room after her death. It was like the same jewelleries my mom said she liked. 

After she passed away, during her 7th day of funeral, all the families came to the living room together. My mom and I smelled a very nice flowery scent in the room we were in. It was very light and brief. The rest of the family did not smell it. We know it was her presence in the room. It was her way to bid her last farewell. 


There were several messages portrayed in the movie: 
  • The elder always kept to herself no matter how hard the situation may be. She always said "I am alright" and "Don't worry" but in fact, she feels lonely and loved to get some company. 
  • Sometimes they will scold you to leave them alone but actually, they didn't want you to be burdened about taking care of them. 
  • She don't complain badly about her children, no matter how bad they've treated her. 
  • Do not have to fight for the inheritance because no matter what they will give it to the one most needing it and meant the most. 
  • The Grandson asked if the Grandma loved him at all after giving her inheritance to her son. She responded to her Daughter I don't know who I love the most but I do know that I wanted to be with you now the most. This is after the Grandma was diagnosed with cancer and was already very old and frail.  
  • The greatest moment was taking care of the Grandma; which was more valuable than any inheritance. 
  • The million he had received from the hidden savings the Grandma made to her Grandson was in the end spent to give the Grandma a good resting spot. 

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