Sunday, July 9, 2023

Come watch "LIFE with MY FAMILY"

Brayden 6Y4M15D

Bevlynn 2Y1M9D

Would they one day tell me "Mommy, how did you do it? You were amazing!" I hope they would tell me these words. I aspire towards getting there... 

I would love for Hubs to give me more attention and also help around the house. Sometimes he would think that I can manage but I don't really like to be asking for help. If only he could jumped into every scene whenever I needed him just like the hero in the "Descendants of the Suns" helping the heroin at every moment of distress. I could only watch the movie and imagine I was the heroin.

Well~~ I have not been very patient lately too. The add-on load at work didn't help either. Now being a team lead means I have more people in the team other than myself to take care of. I am like a bomb with very short fuse, that can be triggered at any small situation. 

There's only so much I can do, and I cannot be helping everyone else all the time. Taking one day at a time helps, don't think too far ahead. Karaoke, VR with the colleagues, parties with friends. So much activities on the list. And more to come....... I need to let go a little more of my expectations. Having high expectations on everything does no good. 

This week, Brayden caught 2 legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Bevlynn now says more words, she really loves swimming alot. When they are playing, I will look at them and try to remember them. If my mind wonders off, I will miss those moments, so I will always remind myself to be mindful, to be present, to concentrate and watch the movie of "LIFE WITH MY FAMILY"..



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