Sunday, October 10, 2010


Dear Diary,

I woke up today asking myself, 'Will this be just another day?' Then I realised NO. Today's the 10.10.10. We only get this day once in every 10 years. This marks another decade of my life that had passed me by. What have I done for the last 10 years? What crazy drastic changes have I made? A lot has changed about me, about the rest of the world.

Jo-10 years back would never write so much as she hated writing, essays especially. She would not even find the courage to walk into libraries, because that's the place she'd fall asleep on the desk. I still do sometimes. But at least I find myself loving to read and learn more about others' perceptions on life, love and work. I felt a little wiser with each words read. Ok abit too exaggerating. :)

Jo-10 years back was a pessimistic. Everything to her seems dull and not worth trying. She doesn't usually laugh at the silliest joke. Well, to her it was not worth a laugh. Today, I find myself living every day of my life, learning new things, never giving up, looking at the brighter side of life. I make silly jokes all the time. I'd laugh at my own jokes although it is extremely lame. I know but I couldn't help it.

10 years ago, the Jo you knew would never ever say a word 'No' to you. Though she knew there were times when boundaries had been crossed and some people just need to hear the word No to stop. She never liked seeing the upset looks of disappointment on others. All that was in the past. Rejecting people requires greater inner strength. It is much easier to just accept what others think than to put your foot forward to make your stand. I learned this lesson the hard way. Better late than never though.

All in all, the past 10 years was a journey. It had made me who I am today and therefore I had no regrets. I am blessed with so many great things in life. My family, a home, a man who loves me so, friends and a many doors of opportunities. 10.10.10 reminds me of everything I have. What about you?

And before I forget 'HAPPY WEDDED BLISS MR. LEE JIH HOUH!!' May you have your happily ever after....


1 comment:

  1. I just realised my name on ur post. Not big enough la.. haha.. must highlight somemore. Thx anyway. Good to look back, but don't forget to look ahead. ^^


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