Monday, April 29, 2024

Hot Hot Weather | Clean the Neighbourhood

Brayden 7Y2M5D
Bevlynn 2Y10M29D

Brayden loves to run with me in the evening. He is quite a runner, I would have been tired after 2 rounds but he could catch up with my pace. Bevlynn was very good with her speech, she'd can word out a lot of the sentences correctly but the words are not accurate; "ater (water), ombie (zombie), wimming (swimming), each (beach)" 

It was a very hot week, outside temperature could reach 35degC. It was due to the Elnino effect. I decided to bring the children for a dip in Clusia Cove to cool down. Hubs was having fever so he decided not to join us. When we arrived, the wind was strong and darks clouds were closing in. Weather was just nice and the children were playing in the sand. Then suddenly, Hubs turned up. I loved it when he still made it. It was the feeling like from the K-drama - the feeling like you never felt alone. The rain started drizzling. Without Hubs, it would have been a chaos handling two in the showers. Good to have him around to help. We had to run to the nearest shelter to grab a cab home. I was running with Bev in the stroller and Bray was with his Dad sharing a towel like a mini lion's dance. We all got wet after the 10 seconds sprint. Seems the rain was playing a trick on and started getting heavier as we ran. As soon as, we got on the cab, the rain stopped. ~.....~ 

On Sunday morning, we volunteered to clean the neighbourhood. Bev and Bray were very enthusiastic to find every single "treasure" (rubbish) hidden around the corners, in the grass, at the playground, under the trees. We got two full loads of plastic bags. Bevlynn even did not want to stop after an hour of search. 

I started watching "Queen of Tears" and realized sometimes when time is running short, you'd appreciate life with loved ones more. I remember how we were so innocent and life was easy in those university days. Now when we started working, we spend more of our time in the office. There is lesser time available to create precious memories. Hence, when I am home, I'd really love to spend more quality time focusing on my family. 

Bevlynn was watching the movie with me and out of a sudden shouted; "Mommy in TeeBee, Daddy in TeeBee, Daddy scold Mommy? Mommy cry, I scold Daddy"
I wonder where she sees the resemblance. 

The scene when "Daddy" was scolding "Mommy" in TV

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