Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wish I may, Wish I might....

Dear Diary,

My housemates and I were out hunting for shooting stars one night. It was around 1 in the morning and outside was pitch dark. Millions of tiny brightly lit stars scattered over the vast endless galaxy. We were watching out for meteor showers that were predicted to be actively pouring around that hour of the night. Many a times have we attempted to stay out and watch the stars but failed to do so due to the unforgiving weather conditions. But not on that night. That night was the night; the night where there was not a single cloud in sight. We waited patiently as we lay down on the car porch. We daren't blink our eyes even for a second since we were afraid we might miss the stars if we did.  Time passed and there were still no shooting stars in sight. We waited and waited. My eyes were getting tired and all the stars seems to be vibrating in their positions. Must be my imagination going wild. Could this be just another night? I wondered. Then.... out of nowhere... *woosh* a real shooting star. We all yelled out in excitement. And there was another and another. As soon as they came, they disappeared. There were countless of them. The satisfaction came after the long wait. Lucky for me as I managed to make a wish on one of those stars. I wish and I wish...................

Love Jo.


  1. Ha...I could roughly guess what one of your wishes was la...

  2. Wah.. your sixth sense so good? shh... don't reveal it, else it wouldn't come true


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