Bevlynn 3Y9M11D
Bro Gene stayed in Singapore for a few days. He was applying for visa to go to Taiwan to work.
There are several things happening concurrently this week; Eva's (my current helper) work permit was not allowed to be renewed by Ministry of Manpower, I needed to work on selecting the interior design for my mini project in KL, and I am travelling to S.Korea for work this week. On top of that, I was super busy at work from the piled up work during my off-days. I had 2 weeks to clear all the details and have everything sort out.
I was overly overwhelmed in these few days. I took small breaths and kept telling myself "one small step forward at a time". However, occasionally I lose my head and cried, especially feeling sad and do not know how to break the news to Eva yet. Also, I felt Hubs has not supported me enough through all these happenings and transitions. Of course, he was busy too working over the weekends.
This week, I went through several profiles for a new helper. Unlike my first time hiring, I only went through less than 10 profiles. In 2021, I went through 200+ profiles before selecting THE ONE. Also this time, I am going for a not very experience helper. I am worried, she might not adapt to the new environment. But I guess I am willing to give her a try and opportunity. I can see from the interview that she was sincere and just trying hard to provide for her family. I remember the time I first started out at interviews and how I had wished for a company to give me an opportunity.
I was also emotional whenever I mentioned of Eva and her story. She's been a big help during my toughest time (starting from 2021 when Covid lockdown was still a common thing, I gave birthed to Bevlynn and Eva joined me 2 weeks after) She was there for me to care for the children when Hubs had to return to KL for a month for Mom-In-Law's funeral. Whenever I travel for work, I am reassured my children were in good hands. Because of her, Hubs and I had some "we" time without the children. She was such a good help.
But on her second year working with me, she made a mistake. She borrowed money from loan shark who was whatsapp-ing her randomly. She was baited. For ~sgd500, she had even paid back the principal amount loaned (albeit slightly late by 2 weeks or so), the interest had gone up so much and she could not pay back. I only found out when the loan shark started harassing her.
She did not loaned from me because she said I was too nice to her (I had loaned her several times prior, so she was embarrassed to ask from me). The money she loaned was also to help her ailing family member. She had a tough life. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and this is one example of it.
I guess after this, she would not have the opportunity to come here to work again. This made me really sad because for such a small amount, a mistake was made, and there's no turning back for her. I don't think she realised the severity of her actions back then that would affect her future.
I still wish her the best in everything life has to offer. T.T
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