Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Max and Melissa's Wedding | Suffolk House

Brayden 7Y11M29D
Bevlynn 3Y8M22D

It was on 22.2.2025 at Suffolk House Penang. An early start to the day. 

All of us woke up early to prepare our make-up and dressed up. Bev and Bray were the Flower Girl and Ring Boy. It was a nice garden wedding. Everyone dressed up to match the day. It was a long-awaited day. Max and Melissa are getting married on the year they both turned 30. 

The weather was sunny; good for an outdoor wedding. 

Suffolk House is a nice location. There is a colonial white building surrounded by greeneries. There is a river beside it.  

When the wedding marching song started, Bev and Bray first walked down the aisle. Both were very good with pacing their walk and throwing the white petals. Then came the bridesmaids; beautifully dressed in different designs of light pastel green dresses. As Melissa walked down the aisle with her father towards Bro Max, I could feel the rush of happiness for him. A flash of memories came over me, how I used to carry him when he was a baby, playing in the old house in Bukit Dumbar, him running to my school class to ask for Jie Jie, to now..... he's taking a big step forward; marrying a beautiful humble woman. I held back my tears. 

They said their vows and prayers, and said "I do". 

We had the tea ceremony and funnily, the necklace I bought for him could not fit through his head. He was slightly in pain as the necklace got caught in his hair. 

Finally, the buffet lunch started. The food spread was good; especially the fish. Most importantly, we got to gather as an extended family and spoke of the good ol' days. 

When I got home, I just realized the meaning of the theme they have printed on their handmade keychains: Khaixintothemax (Being Happy to the Max) - Khai Xin is Melissa's Name. Such good combination. I wish them both the most blissful marriage life. 

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