Monday, November 15, 2010

Cheating partner

What if on one fine day you found a hidden secret letter in one of his/her drawers. It is from your beloved partner. You curiously open the letter to read its contents thinking it must be for you. Your partner was too shy to send this letter, or so you thought. To your dismay, it has another receiver's name on it. 

'To my dearest .........................................



signed with lots of love and kisses '

Before you knew it, you are face to face with a cheating partner.

Apparently, there are signs to look for to spot a cheating partner. This checklist may vary with different people and relationships. But when you have ticks for at least 3 or more of these signs, then it's time to start being suspicious.

1. Your partner acts differently around you.
There is a sudden flush of affection or he completely ignores you. This means that he has a change in life experience (eg stress at work, got a promotion, hiding secrets from you). 

2. Your partner gets defensive when questioned.
He refuses to answer your questions and explodes in a rage saying you are nagging him or do not give him some space to breathe. This gives him an excuse to back away from giving you a valid answer.

3. Your partner hides relationships from you.
There are countless of emails, letters and smses from an anonymous person whom your partner never find time to mention or introduce to you. Yes couples do not share the same friends but they are often aware of their partner's acquaintances. So if there is anyone your partner is trying to hide from you, that might be the person you are on the look out for.

4. Your partner has a cheating history
He did it before, he can do it again. Now that he has past experiences, he's probably better off at hiding it from you.

5. Trust your instinct
If you got a feeling that something is wrong, do not let it slide by you. Pay attention to it.

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