Brayden 6Y, 1M, 24D
Bevlynn 1Y, 10M, 17D
The past week was very busy.
We had a good party celebration at Jurong Safra, play time at Ikea and swimming for the two kids. Those two kids drained all of our energy. Where did they get their energy from?
I love this moment though. The moment when these children just happily jumped into the swimming pool (Bev still with diapers on). We did not even prepare the swimming attire for them. The way they play without worries reminds us that life has more to give than being in constant chase of material stuff.
I love this moment. The moment when every waking day. I look forward to waking up with the children next to you and giving soft butterfly kisses. They look at you with their eyes full of hope and when you are the world to them; the whole world would melt away at that moment. Nothing fully matters more than having them in your arms.
I love this moment. When I can carry and hold them for long hours, even their weight can almost break my back. Bev is 12kg and Bray is 20kg now. I'd probably need a good massage later, but all worth it.
I love this moment. I will surely miss this moment.
Their favourite cartoon is now Pokemon and Zombie vs Plant. Funny how Bev always say "Bie", "Chu" and "Die". These two fight but love each other as much.
They remind us to be children again - love unconditionally and play innocently.